EDAS provide a wide range of professional and cost-effective archaeological consultancy services, including appraisals, desk-top surveys and assessments, archaeological and architectural surveys, watching briefs and small-scale excavations, and project design and management. We have a particular expertise in the survey of historic landscapes and the recording of all types of standing buildings.
EDAS also have considerable experience in the provision of archaeological advice to developers and contractors, and the production of archaeological written schemes of investigations, specifications and mitigation strategies.
In terms of execution, management and presentation, we have a reputation for high quality and thorough work. We also have experience of a wide variety of projects, ranging from assessing the implications of major infrastructure developments to the survey and management of individual sites and monuments.
EDAS work primarily in Yorkshire and the north of England.
For further details, please contact:
Ed Dennison, Ed Dennison Archaeological Services Ltd,
18 Springdale Way, Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 8NU.
Tel: 01482 870723
E-mail: edarchserv@aol.com